The use of potassium humate on cereals
Cereals are one of the central and most profitable crops in Ukraine. Today, their productivity has steadily reached 40-50 c/ha, but the yield of 70-80 c/ha is not surprising either. At the same time, even a slight increase in yield significantly increases the profitability of grain farming. Therefore, fertilizers, plant protection products and stimulants are used more and more intensively, accurately and subtly. However, in order to fully realize the potential of highly productive varieties of wheat, rye, barley and oats, it is necessary that the plants do not stop growing and developing, do not experience stress. Potassium humate is one of the best plant growth stimulants that can increase seed germination, germination energy, relieve stress and improve fertilizer absorption. The low cost of a hectare norm, the real efficiency of application made humates, and especially potassium humate, one of the most popular stimulants in grain growing. At the same time, there are many cheap, but low-quality salts of humic acids on the market, which do not have the desired effect, clog spray nozzles. These drugs are best avoided.
Agro.Bio products use only the highest quality humate, produced from leonardite, with a high content of humic and fulvic acids.
What is potassium humate?
Potassium humate is a water-soluble potassium salt of humic acid, which is the basis of soil fertility and stimulates plant growth. The best source of humic acid is brown coal - leonardite. This is exactly what is used for the manufacture of preparations Agro.Bio
Potassium humate:- Activates the supply of nutrients to plants and increases the coefficient of absorption of nutrients by the plant
- Enhances the activity of beneficial soil microflora
- Activates the synthesis of proteins, carbohydrates and vitamins in plants, which is especially important for cereals
- Increases resistance of plants to frost, drought, dry winds, to high doses and concentrations of mineral fertilizers
- Enhances the effectiveness of many pesticides
- Activates plant growth, increases their yield and promotes the conversion of nitrates into protein, increasing the grain class
Thus, potassium humate is an excellent stimulant for grain crops with a complex effect, the use of which is justified in various phases of growth and development of cereal crops.
Potassium humate for seed dressing
When sowing both winter and spring crops, the most important thing is the high field germination of seeds, the rapid emergence of seedlings and their uniformity. For winter crops, this makes it possible to fully use the period of optimal temperatures, and for spring crops, to “grab” spring moisture and have time to use it to develop a powerful root system. At the same time, the longer the period before germination lasts, the worse the development of plants will be, and the germination will decrease.
To increase the field germination of seeds up to 95-97%, to make them strong, even and uniform, to accelerate the emergence of seedlings by 5-7 days, seed treatment with potassium humate makes it possible. An even better effect is obtained when using the Multicomplex Humate +10 preparation, which supplies the seeds with a starting dose of phosphorus, potassium and the most important microelements. Our humates are excellent for grain dressing both in special machines and with a sprayer. The form of an aqueous concentrate makes it easy to dose the solution. The consumption of the preparation is 1.3 l / ton of seeds.
Potassium humate to enhance spring development and fertilizer absorption
The key stages in the formation of grain yields are tillering and booting. It is at this time that their generative organs are laid and the future harvest is determined. Therefore, at the stage of spring tillering and at the beginning of the tube growth, cereals consume the maximum amount of nutrients. Nitrogen is especially important for spike crops. However, large doses of nitrogen fertilizers, on the one hand, must be completely absorbed by the plant, and on the other hand, concentrated solutions are always stressful. And stress stops development and reduces productivity. Joint top dressing with nitrogen fertilizers and potassium humate can effectively solve both of these problems. The addition of potassium humate to the tank mixture with carbamide or UAN significantly improves nitrogen uptake.
Especially important is the use of humates during frost, drought, and sharp temperature fluctuations. It allows you to extend the accumulation of vegetative mass by cereals, form strong plants, and avoid damage. At the same time, many productive stems are formed even in adverse conditions.
Equally important is the correct use of herbicides. Spring weed control is very sensitive for wheat, rye and barley plants. The slightest mistake in the timing and phase of the application of herbicides entails losses in yield. But even in the ideal case, pesticide treatment is always stressful. To remove it in time, to ensure the continuous development of the plant without loss, allows the use of potassium humate.
However, the use of potassium humate in tank mixes with pesticides is not always possible and requires preliminary testing. Our experts will help you choose products that are well combined with the plant protection system adopted in your farm.
The role of potassium humate in the late stages of cereal development
Often in practice, the later stages of cereal development - flowering and grain filling and milky ripeness are considered less important for the harvest. However, late treatments of fields with nitrogen and growth stimulants can significantly improve the quality of grain, the accumulation of proteins in it.
Indispensable in this preparation is potassium humate + Cu +S. During this period, plants are in dire need of these trace elements. But high temperatures do not make it possible to assimilate them. Potassium humate is a great way to make nitrogen, potassium and trace elements available even during this period. Treatment of cereals with this drug increases the accumulation of proteins in it and the class of grain, increases the size and weight of grains.
Thus, humates are an indispensable tool in the hands of a grain farm agronomist.
Agro.Bio has a wide range of products with high quality humates for cereals, and our specialists will help you to create a specific solution for your conditions.Related Products
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