Monohelate fertilizers (Sulfur + HUMATE, BOR + HUMATE, ZINC + HUMATE, COPPER + HUMATE, MAGNESIUM + HUMATE, MOLYBDEN + HUMATE, MARGANETS + HUMATE) Organic, concentrated, water-soluble, growth and nutritional stimulants, bezbolasni with leonardite in chelated form , on the basis of humate with the content of humic (72.8 g / l) and fulvic acids (54.6 g / l) and with the highest level of macro- and microelements in various concentrations (phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, sulfur, manganese, boron, zinc, copper, molybdenum, cobalt) produced by AGRO.BIO.
Fertilizers of natural origin activate the processes of metabolism, the work of enzymes, accelerate the absorption of nutrients from the soil, stimulate germination, seed germination energy, rooting of cuttings, accelerate the growth and development of organisms that form resistance to adverse conditions (droughts, temperature changes), to diseases, pests, enhance frost resistance.
Fertilizers have particles of less than 100 microns when used, do not block jets in the irrigation system and do not make corrosive effects in the fluid supply pumps.
When using monochelate fertilizers, the effectiveness of mineral fertilizers and pesticides is increased and their use is reduced from 20-50%, due to an acceleration of 8 times the biochemical processes of metabolism in agricultural crops.
Nitrogen + Bor + Molybdenum «Agro.Bio»
The importance of nitrogen in plant life can hardly be overestimated. It is the main macronutrient, due to which the vegetative mass of the plant increases. Nitrogen plays the role..
Humate + Bor «Agro.Bio»
B (Boron) provides almost 100% penetration into the plant organism during foliar feeding. It is also directly involved in the transport of sugars, the synthesis of lignin, which is..
Humate + Iron + Sulfur «Agro.Bio»
Iron (Fe) is an important element in plant life, which is responsible for the biosynthesis of chlorophyll. According to its (Fe) participation, redox processes, processes of respir..
Humate + Silicon (Si) «Agro.Bio»
Humate + Silicon (Si) + "Agro.Bio" is a liquid complex mineral fertilizer containing a large amount of silicon and other trace elements in an accessible, chelated form.Silicon..
Humat + Manganese + Sulfur «Agro.Bio»
The preparation Humate + Manganese + Sulfur "Agrobio" combines the humate of potassium and Mn. This trace element is an active component of enzymes that are responsible for the pro..
Humat + Manganese «Agro.Bio»
Humat + Manganese of Agro.Bio ™ production - monochelatos, organic fertilizers, bezbalastnoe with leonardite, growth stimulants that provide complex nutrition for plants, in concen..
Humate + Copper + Sulfur «Agro.Bio»
Copper is largely responsible for the formation of the generative organs of plants and the intensity of photosynthesis, strengthens the immune system and helps to increase the resi..
Humate + Molybdenum «Agro.Bio»
Humate + Molybdenum "Agro.Bio" is an ideal solution for inoculation of seeds and top dressing of legumes. Maximum results with minimum processing costs. Molybdenum is one of the ..
Humate + Zinc + Sulfur «Agro.Bio»
The biologically available form of Zn allows you to quickly restore the balance of this important trace element in case of its insufficient amount. Zinc is part of many enzymes tha..
Sulfur + Boron + Molybdenum «Agro.Bio»
In the soil, sulfur is present in plant organic residues and humus (in this form it is not available for the plant organism), it is necessary for the transformation of sulfur in th..